
人生是一种哲学 & 宗教的学生

人生是一种哲学 & 宗教的学生


What do our current students and alumni have to say about their experience as a 哲学 & 宗教的学生?

Jasmin Lober, B.A. 哲学

哲学 & Religion Program offers opportunities outside of the classroom to enhance your analytical and evaluative skills.


The 哲学俱乐部 is a bi-weekly discussion group where students discuss philosophical matters with both faculty and peers in an informal non-classroom setting.  Subject matter in previous semesters has included brief readings and corresponding discussions about wisdom, 美, 友谊, 个人和政治认同, 可能的世界, 上帝的存在, 以及身心关系.  Non-philosophy students and professors are welcome, so our discussions seek diverse participants with diverse commitments!  欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 约瑟夫·施泰因格 jsteineger@fitbackreform.com.

Sigma Tau

Sigma Tau is the International Honor Society in 哲学.  Founded in 1930 and incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in 1955, the Society now has a network of over 200 chapters throughout the United States and Canada, at both 公营及私营 institutions of higher learning. The purpose of Sigma Tau is to encourage interest and activity among students and to promote ties between philosophy departments in accredited institutions.  Undergraduate students are eligible for active membership if they have completed three semesters of the college course, rank in the upper thirty-five percent of their class, and have completed at least two semester courses in philosophy with an average 3.这些课程的平均绩点不低于5分.  欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 约瑟夫·施泰因格 jsteineger@fitbackreform.com.

Theta Alpha Kappa 

Theta Alpha Kappa is the National Honor Society in Religion and Theology.  It is the only national honor society serving the needs of those involved in the study of religion and/or theology at both the baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate levels of higher education.  Honoring excellence in these academic fields is its primary purpose, and it currently hosts over 140 local chapters throughout the United States at institutions both large and small, 公营及私营.  Candidates for admission to Theta Alpha Kappa must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0, at least 12 credit hours in Religious Studies (including GE courses) and at least a 3.这些课的平均成绩是5分.  欲了解更多信息,请联系Rev. Dr. 尼科尔·托比茨基 ntorbitzky@fitbackreform.com

Dr. Donna Card Charron 哲学 Award Winners

This award is given to the student who shows academic excellence in philosophy and a concern for what Dr. Charron called philosophy’s role as “reason in the world.”  Dr. Charron was professor of philosophy at Lindenwood from 1989-2005.  During that time she laid the foundation for the 哲学 Program, helped found the Honors Program and 荣誉学院, and tirelessly promoted the classical tradition of liberal learning and culture.

  • 2023年:Caleb Meriweather
  • 2022年:麦克斯韦·克纳
  • 2021:玛蒂娜Kohatsu
  • 2020年:贝利·D. 海斯
  • 2019: 埃文·柯林斯,贾斯敏·洛伯
  • 2018年:艾里斯·维塔
  • 2017: 斯蒂芬·霍克斯
  • 2016: Tanner厨师
  • 2015: 杰西·科菲
  • 2014:雅各布·克拉托
  • 2013:大卫·C. 好
  • 2012年:瑞秋·艾尔斯
  • 2011年:艾米丽·普拉特
  • 2010年:乔纳森·内文斯


This award recognizes academic excellence in the study of religion.  该奖项以Rev. Dr. 劳埃德·B. 哈蒙, father of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 board chairman Raymond 哈蒙, and Professor Emeritus Jeanne 哈蒙 Huesemann. Dr. 哈蒙 was a longtime chaplain and professor of religion at Lindenwood.

  • 2023:卡特·莫里斯
  • 2022年:茱莉亚·亨德利
  • 2021年:克里斯汀·布莱恩特
  • 2020年:山姆·克罗克
  • 2019年:凯特琳·森蒂尼
  • 2018年:朱莉娅·韦纳鲁普
  • 2017年:劳伦·贝克
  • 2016年:瑞秋·亨利
  • 2015:蔡斯·斯图尔特
  • 2014:凯拉·皮尔斯
  • 2013年:格蕾丝·特尼
  • 2012:杰米·詹金斯
  • 2011年:金伯利·芬奇
  • 2010年:杰米·詹金斯