College of Science, 技术, 和健康

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
健康科学(理科硕士) with Sport Science and Performance Specialization

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
健康科学(理科硕士) with Sport Science and Performance Specialization

College of Science, 技术, 和健康 NAVIGATION

Earn a Master of Science in 健康科学 with a Sport Science and Performance Specialization at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 in St. 路易(圣. 查尔斯)莫.

Master of Science (MS) offered in On-campus and Hybrid formats.

St. 查尔斯街/圣. 路易
健康科学(理科硕士) with a Sport Science and Performance Specialization

The graduate curriculum for this St. 路易 health sciences program with the sport science and performance specialization provides a strong scientific basis for students seeking advanced degrees in the exercise physiology, 企业健康, clinical exercise physiology, 力量和调节, and allied health professions as well as those seeking practical skills for employment in the health and fitness industry.

圣. 路易 Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory contains approximately 2,000 square feet and offers a dedicated space for all laboratory instruction and research being conducted within the College of Science, 技术, 和健康. This laboratory houses industry-related body composition, 心肺, 肌肉骨骼健康, 平衡, and biochemistry equipment.